DAY 3 | Cotters Creek to Narrandera

We leave the ACT, after what feels like a weekend away, it was great to test everything out for 2 nights there. Today we drive to Yass, then Wagga, where enjoyed a great local sushi lunch – so fresh and cold YUM YUM.


We shopped Wagga looking for hats and finally hit the road to head for Narrandera. After getting some fresh supplies at Big Daves IGA we head out along the river to find a camp for the next few days. After looking around at the MIA 1 & MIA 2 forests, we liked the look of the other side of the river better.

So here we were, at Euroley’s Beach Camp. On a sharp hairpin bend of the Murrumbidgee, water was great, we settle in for 3 nights.


We had all types of weather thrown at us over these 3 days, We spent an afternoon in the tent playing board games, lego and a group hug to pass the time. While the rain fell and the wind blew outside, we had our fingers crossed those gums wouldn’t loose any limbs with all the wind.


Leni got busy in the truck making us all friendship bands. She even taught Max too.


Hot and sunny, cold & windy, thunder storms develop then blow away, then on our 2nd day a freak storm brews, we race around like crazy to batton down the hatches, then the hail hits – then in the blink of an eye its over. So play resumed for beach cricket.





and a bit of fishin….






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