Day 21 | Edithburgh to Clare

Overflowing gutters in the south of the Yorke and the wind on our tail we head straight for the Clare Valley, this weekend is all about us!!

First stop, after Shaz & Curls recommendation, was Greg Cooley wines, Lisa looked after us, the tastings were very generous and the hospitality warm, we are beginning to like the feel of this region already.


A nearby caravan park looks lovely and leafy for us (haven’t seen much grass since Balranald), we arrive to check in and revealed behind the gardens are a pool and jumping pillow….now the kids are in heaven, we strike a deal with them for Saturday’s wine tasting, for every hour they let us taste (in peace) we will supervise at the pool for 1/2 an hour! We think that’s fair….after all this weekend is all about us :) Its the first time we have been to Clare together…


But the kids actually loved the day of tasting too. We found so many friendly, hospitable people who included the kids in their warmness, we all loved it. Some of our fav people were at a new cellar door called ‘shut the gate’ after enjoyable & interesting conversations and great tastings, we made our purchases and then were walked to the truck, with a farewell gift of a just opened (almost full) tasting bottle of our fav wine and about 10 fresh lemons from their tree – Rasa & Richard we love the feel of your place and we were so glad we popped in. We wish you all the best of luck. Thanks for a great finish to our day.









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