Winter Chillin | Day 4 Breona > Claude Road

Reluctant to leave our lovely cabin, on such a beautiful morning. We pack up and head for Pine Lake.




Last visited in Summer 2016, today was a very different scene, along the boardwalk we came across a woman from Melbourne, dressed only in active wear, a little distressed from a stumble off the boardwalk, onto the frosty, snow covered rocks half a meter below, she had lost her footing whilst blinded by the sun and landed on the craggy rocks, dropping her telephone and single car key, the phone was visible, but the key had vanished.. we all helped look for some time, but had no luck, starting to realise the seriousness of being stranded in snowy frozen environment with no access to her car, we called off the search and sent her with Gaz in our car to find the nearest mobile phone reception to call for help. Meanwhile the rest of us braved the brisk wind and views of the frozen lake to await their return.

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After fare-welling Kim and leaving her in the hands of the trusty tow truck driver, we carry on with our day.

Deloraine is our halfway point for today, supplies – shopping – lunch, fireside with mulled wine!

Hard to drag us away from this….

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